Event Guidelines, Rules, and Regulations
1. Registration and Admission:
All participants must register prior to the event.
Admission is only granted to registered attendees.
Valid identification may be required for entry, kindly ensure you have some form of identification.
2. Code of Conduct:
Treat all attendees, staff, and participants with respect and consideration.
Harassment, discrimination, and offensive behaviour will not be tolerated.
Any violation of the code of conduct may result in immediate removal from the event.
There will be no smoking or use of any drugs at the event.
3. Master Class Attendance:
Enrolment and participation will be granted on a first-come, first-served basis.
Each master class has a limited capacity of 100 participants, the importance of early registration cannot be overemphasized.
Access to specific sessions may be declined to latecomers, as this measure is implemented to maintain an uninterrupted learning environment.
4. Vendor Selection:
The vendor selection process is at the discretion of Golden Penny.
Vendors are required to possess physical establishments within FCT, Abuja, Nigeria, facilitating a seamless vetting procedure.
Vendors should demonstrate a commitment to upholding the highest standards of food safety and hygiene.
Golden Penny reserves the right to limit the number of vendors offering similar types of cuisine to ensure a balanced and varied culinary experience for attendees.
The selected vendors will be required to adhere to event guidelines and standards set by Golden Penny throughout the event duration.
Golden Penny retains the right to modify vendor selections based on event requirements and participant preferences.
5. Health and Safety:
Follow all health and safety guidelines provided by local authorities and event organizers.
Masks and hand sanitization may be mandatory depending on the prevailing health situation.
Emergency exits and evacuation plans will be clearly marked and communicated.
6. Schedule and Program:
Adhere to the event schedule as provided to attendees.
Any changes to the program will be communicated through official channels.
7. Intellectual Property:
Respect the intellectual property rights of speakers, performers, and event organizers.
Unauthorized recording or distribution of event content to generate money is strictly prohibited.
8. Photography and Videography:
Photography and videography may be allowed, but it should not obstruct the view of others.
Use of flash photography should be avoided during presentations.
9. Lost or Stolen Items:
The event organizers are not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged personal belongings.
Keep personal belongings secure at all times.
Found items should be turned in to event staff.
10. Alcohol and Substance Use:
Consumption of alcohol is only allowed in designated areas and for individuals of legal drinking age.
Illegal substances are strictly prohibited and will result in immediate expulsion.
11. Minors and Guardianship:
Minors (kids under the age of 6) must be accompanied by a responsible adult or guardian at all times.
12. Decorum:
Maintain a respectful and professional atmosphere during the event.
Avoid disruptive behavior that may disturb others.
13. Environmental Responsibility:
Promote environmentally friendly practices, such as recycling and waste reduction, throughout the event.
Minimize the use of single-use plastics and encourage responsible disposal of waste.
14. Marketing and Promotion:
Any marketing or promotional activities must be pre-approved by the event organizers.
Unauthorized distribution of flyers, promotional material, or solicitation is not allowed.
15. Feedback and Suggestions:
Attendees are encouraged to provide constructive feedback and suggestions for improving future events.
Feedback can be submitted through official channels provided by the event organizers.
16. Consent for Use of Photography and Videography:
By accepting these terms and conditions, you agree to the following:
We will be taking photographs and videos during the event.
You permit us to use any photographs or videos that include your image or likeness.
We may use these materials for post-event promotion, including but not limited to; social media posts, website content, marketing materials, and future event advertisements.
17. Indemnity Agreement:
By attending and participating in Golden Penny Soup Fest, organized by Flour Mills of Nigeria, I hereby agree to the following terms:
I acknowledge that participation in the event involves inherent risks and potential hazards, which may include but are not limited to accidents, injuries, property damage, and unforeseen circumstances.
I understand that Flour Mills of Nigeria and its affiliated partners, sponsors, vendors, and staff (collectively referred to as "Organizers") have taken reasonable steps to ensure the safety and security of attendees, but they cannot eliminate all risks associated with the event.
In consideration of being allowed to attend and participate in the event, I hereby agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend the Organizers from any and all claims, demands, actions, liabilities, costs, or expenses arising from or related to my attendance, participation, or involvement in the event.
I agree to release the Organizers from any claims, demands, actions, liabilities, costs, or expenses, including legal fees, arisingout of any injury, loss, damage, or harm, whether caused by negligence, intentional misconduct, or otherwise, that may occur during my participation in the event.
I understand and acknowledge that this indemnity agreement applies to all claims, demands, actions, liabilities, costs, or expenses brought by any third party as a result of my actions or behavior during the event. I understand that this indemnity agreement shall remain in effect beyond the duration of the event and until all potential claims, demands, actions, liabilities, costs, or expenses related to the event have been fully resolved.
I certify that I am of legal age and possess the legal capacity to enter into this indemnity agreement. If I am attending the event as a guardian or chaperone for a minor, I hereby agree to this indemnity agreement on behalf of the minor. I have read and understand the terms of this indemnity agreement, and I voluntarily agree to its terms by attending and participating in the Golden Penny Soup Fest.